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Our mission statement: seeks to provide real estate agents who are exiting or putting their careers on a temporary hold, an opportunity to keep their business and legacy alive and earn residual income without having to be part of the MLS, TAR, AAR and NAR.


How does it work?

You will be hanging your license with When you have a client, buyer or seller, you refer your client to one of the experienced full time agents at LLC who will attend your client with the utmost care all the way to closing at which point you will be paid a referral fee. No risk involved for you, no time investment required for you but 15-20 minutes to introduce your client to the attending agent.



Call or email for a confidential appointment for you to meet us to determine if this could work for you.

Book a Consultation


Cesar Torres

Felix Gafner has over 20 years of experience in the world of Real Estate, his ability to serve in English, Spanish & Swiss German make his the ultimate professional. He is the best of both worlds a true friend and a spectacular Real Estate Agent. Thank you !!!!!!!!!

Let's Chat

Email:  /  Tel: 520-390-6920 

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